Westmont News
Our students are making headlines, and we want to share all the great news with you. We will keep this page updated with important announcements, news stories, and student shout-outs. Please check back often, and help us celebrate our students’ many achievements.
There is no school on Friday, September 27 due to a teacher in-service day. School resumes on Monday, September 30 at 9:10 a.m. Enjoy your long weekend!
In an effort to keep all students safe and traffic moving, we ask that students go directly to their vehicle upon dismissal. This will allow parents/guardians to exit the loop in a timely fashion. Also, if your child walks home, please encourage them to go directly home. We greatly appreciate your help in this matter.
The PHS cheerleaders are holding a junior cheer clinic on Thursday, September 19, 2024. The clinic will be held at PHS after school dismissal. The cost is $45.00 per cheerleader and is for grades K through 6th. For more information, please contact Head Coach Melanie Kreger.
Our fall festival is happening on Thursday, September 26 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at Westmont Elementary. There will be games, arts and crafts, a bounce house, silent auction, and food. We hope to see you there!
Each Wednesday we encourage students and staff to show their Wildcat pride by wearing their Wildcat blue attire. Spirit wear orders will take place later this fall. Watch for more information coming soon!
As you may or may not be aware, the Springfield State Bank was sold to Horizon Bank. This change has caused us to ask a favor from all of you. If you write checks to any of our schools or for any of our activities, we ask that you refrain from using glitter, neon, or light-colored ink pens. These checks do not register with the equipment that Horizon Bank uses. Thank you for your help in this matter.
The Westmont Student Council would like to thank everyone for the generous donations of birthday kit supplies for the Everett and Jude Evans Birthday Box Fundraiser. We collected enough items to create 52 complete boxes, and we have several extra items to go towards more of these fun boxes.