Westmont News

Our students are making headlines, and we want to share all the great news with you. We will keep this page updated with important announcements, news stories, and student shout-outs. Please check back often, and help us celebrate our students’ many achievements.

Trojan Wrestling Club

Is your child interested in becoming a junior wrestler? Register online to join our wrestling club! For more information, join the coaches for a parent meeting on Monday, November 11 at 6:00 p.m. at the Trojan wrestling facility north of Platteview High School.

Open practice begins on Tuesday, November 12. Novice practice begins on Thursday, November 14. See our practice schedule below:

Novice - 6:00–6:50 p.m.
Open - 7:00–8:30 p.m.

Open - 6:00–7:30 p.m.

Novice - 6:00–6:50 p.m.
Open - 7:00–8:30 p.m.

Parent-Teacher Conferences

First quarter parent-teacher conferences will take place on October 16 and 17 from 2:00 until 7:00 p.m. School will dismiss at 1:10 p.m. on both days and will not be in session on Friday, October 18.

Please check your email to sign up for a conference time. If you have any questions regarding signing up, please contact your child’s teacher. Our multi-site teachers will be here for conferences on the following dates:

Mrs. Bellairs, HAL/Discovery
Kevin Thoendel, Band

Tessie Flower, Media

Godfather’s Be Nice Earn a Slice

Announcements will be made on Monday for our first Be Nice Earn a Slice Student of the month! One winner from each classroom will be announced. Mark your calendars for October 23 for our Slice of Pie night! Godfather’s will donate 20% of sales that night back to Westmont! More information to come!

Dismissal Time

In an effort to keep all students safe and traffic moving, we ask that students go directly to their vehicle upon dismissal. This will allow parents/guardians to exit the loop in a timely fashion. Also, if your child walks home, please encourage them to go directly home. We greatly appreciate your help in this matter.

Springfield State Bank/Horizon Bank

As you may or may not be aware, the Springfield State Bank was sold to Horizon Bank. This change has caused us to ask a favor from all of you. If you write checks to any of our schools or for any of our activities, we ask that you refrain from using glitter, neon, or light-colored ink pens. These checks do not register with the equipment that Horizon Bank uses. Thank you for your help in this matter.

Student Council News

The Westmont Student Council would like to thank everyone for the generous donations of birthday kit supplies for the Everett and Jude Evans Birthday Box Fundraiser. We collected enough items to create 52 complete boxes, and we have several extra items to go towards more of these fun boxes.