Westmont News
Our students are making headlines, and we want to share all the great news with you. We will keep this page updated with important announcements, news stories, and student shout-outs. Please check back often, and help us celebrate our students’ many achievements.
Each day our counselor, Ms. Susman, teaches a different Boys Town Social Skill. In an effort to increase the students' use of these skills, they are added to the newsletter each week. Our hope is that you will reinforce these important skills at home.
Third quarter report cards are being sent home with students. Please take some time to look these over, and as always, contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions.
Attendance is vital to the success of our students. We will be putting some attendance incentives in place for our students to be here and on time. We will have celebrations that might include parties and giveaways. We want all of our students to participate in these incentives, and we do not want anyone to be sad if they do not earn the incentive. We will need your help by making sure your students are at school and on time. We look forward to improving our student attendance through celebrations throughout this school year.
Continue to sharpen those math skills for our March Madness Math Challenge! Complete the five activities each week, have your parents sign it, and return the sheet to school on Friday. Shoot it into the hoop at the front entrance for a chance to win some awesome prizes! Drawings are held on March 14, 28, and April 3. Good luck!
We are already planning for our spring tradition of Grandfriends Day! On this day, we invite our very special grandfriends to visit our Westmont School—all grandmothers, nanas, grandmas, nonnies, grandfathers, papas, grandpas, pop pops, or family friends that fill these roles for students when their own grandparents are unable to join us. Save the date of Friday, March 28, from 1:45 to 2:45 p.m. More information to come!
It is time to begin the process of gathering information on upcoming kindergarten students for the 2025–2026 school year. If you have a child, or know of a child who will turn 5 prior to July 31, 2025, please contact the Westmont office at (402) 895-9602. You may also send an email to June Jordening.
Kindergarten round up is typically scheduled for the end of April or first part of May. That date will be coming out in the next few weeks. The round up consists of two sessions, an a.m. and a p.m. session. Your child will be invited to one of these. You will receive a letter, or email, several weeks in advance letting you know which session your child has been assigned to.
A parent meeting will be held the evening before to help you understand the process and answer any questions you may have.
Option enrollment applications are still being accepted. If you do not live in the Springfield Platteview School District, but would like your child/children to attend Westmont, please contact our District Office at (402) 592-1300 for additional information and an application.
To help you begin the process, a birth certificate, immunization record, and a physical will be needed prior to your child starting kindergarten. The physical must be within six months of the start of school. If you have any questions, please contact the Westmont Elementary office.